何美霖 Mei-Lin Ho

教授 Professor
Mei-Lin Ho
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- 電子信箱 e-mail
研究領域 Research field
- 奈米材料的合成與應用 Synthesis, characterization, and application of nanocrystals
- 氧氣檢測材料的開發 The development of oxygen-sensing material
- 血糖檢測材料的開發 The development of glucose-sensing material
- 無機材料光物理的探討及應用 The synthesis, characterization, photophysics of inorganic material and application
- 科學教具的開發 Developing new learning materials for scientific education
- 生醫感測材料開發 Developing new sensing materials for healthcare
- 臨床檢驗方法的開發 Developing the clinical decision support tool
經歷 Experiences
1997-1998 The Fu-Jen Catholic University, Department of Chemistry, Taipei, Taiwan
1998-2001 B.S. Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
(台灣大學化學系 學士)
2001-2003 M.S. Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University, Taipei, Taiwan
(清華大學化學所 碩士,Advisor: 陳益佳 教授)
2004-2008 Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
(台灣大學化學所 博士,Advisor: 周必泰 教授)
- Soochow University Outstanding Research Award (publication), 2010-2017.
- Soochow University Outstanding Research Award (project), 2010-2017
- 2011年中國化學年會,指導專題生 張珮甄同學,獲得無機組論文獎優等獎。December, 2011 (Advisor)。
- 榮獲 100學年度台北市立教育大學應用物理暨化學系「科學大師」系列講座講師榮譽。
- 105學年度東吳大學教師學術研究獎助「發明專利獎勵」二項
- 106年度獲東吳大學教學優良教師
- 2018年研發成果專利「一種檢測亞硝酸鹽濃度的檢測裝置」榮獲「2018台灣創新技術博覽會」金牌獎
- 2019年研發成果專利「一種與行動裝置結合的可攜式螢光檢測儀」榮獲「2019台灣創新技術博覽會」銀牌獎
- 2019年大學部專題生 曾心怡獲得中國化學會優秀壁報論文獎-不同膠體結合銅化合物於血糖偵測的探討
- 教育部 107 年度執行之教學實踐研究計畫-「微生物及化學跨領域創新教學法上的開發」獲數理學門亮點計畫
- 2021年指導大專生 李夏安獲得中國化學會李長榮化學新秀獎- Glucose Sensing in Human Whole Blood based on Near-Infrared Phosphors and Outlier Treatment with the programming language “R”
- 2021年中國化學會指導大專生 曾暐婷台灣神隆分析化學研究論文獎- Quantitative Urinary Tract Infection Diagnosis of Leukocyte Esterase with a Microfluidic Paper-Based Device.
- The Rewarding Exceptional Research Talents of the Subsidization Program in Colleges and Universities for Encouraging Exceptional Talent from the National Science Council (NSC), 2021.
Research Experience
2003/6-2004/8 Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemistry, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan 東吳大學 化學系助教
2008/8~2009/1 Post-doctoral fellow, Physical Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (台灣大學化學所 博士後研究員,Advisor: 周必泰 教授)
2009/2~2012/2 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan (東吳大學化學系 助理教授)
助理教授證書字號: 025377
2012/3~2015/9 Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan (東吳大學化學系 副教授)
副教授證書字號: 042758
2015/10~2023/7 Professor, Department of Chemistry, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan (東吳大學化學系 教授)
2016/7-2019/7 Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Soochow University東吳大學 化學系 系主任
2018/8~2023/7 Full-time Professor, Department of Chemistry, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan (東吳大學化學系 特聘教授)
2021/10~2022/8 University of California San Diego, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Visiting Scholar, 執行二氧化鈦塗佈於多孔性矽晶片上於抗菌抗腫瘤細胞之研究
2023/8~ Professor, Department of Chemistry, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan (輔仁大學化學系 教授)
教授證書字號: 141104
Professional Affiliations
- Member of the Photochemistry Association in Taiwan 2012-present
- Member of the American Chemical Society 2008-present
- Member of the Chinese Chemical Society 2010-present
- 擔任期刊審查委員:
Synthetic Metals (times: 1, before 2015)
nalyst (times: 2, before 2015)
Molecules (times: 1, 2015; 1, 2018)
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (times: 8, 2014-2017)
Dalton Transactions (times: 1, 2015)
Journal of Nanomaterials (times: 1, 2015)
JCCS (times: 3, 2015-2017, time:1, 2021)
Micromachines (times: 2, 2017)
Journal of chemical education (times: 2, 2017, 2022)
Polymers : (times: 1, 2017)
ACS Sensors: (times: 1, 2018)
Analytical methods: (times: 1, 2020)
Lap on a chip: (times: 1, 2020)
Langmuir: (times: 1, 2022) - 中國化學會「化學」季刊106年-108年編輯委員
- 教育部教學實踐計畫審查委員2021-present
- 大同大學「109-2學期校內課程教學計畫-創新、PBL、翻轉教學」校外審查委員
- 教育部《教學實踐研究》期刊審查委員
Presentations (Oral)
- 2009年 9月19日屏東科技大學化學分析小組會議演講 (invited speaker)
- 2009年4月30日東吳大學無機錯鹽研討會演講 (invited speaker)
- 2010年 10月31日~11月7日螢光光譜技術研討會於中國大陸西安演講 (invited speaker)
- 2010年 11月16日中正大學化學系演講 (invited speaker)
- 2010年11月17日清華大學化學系演講 (invited speaker)
- 2010年11月18日輔仁大學化學系演講 (invited speaker)
- 2011年5月14~15日分析研討會演講 (invited speaker)
- 2011年11月23日中山大學化學系演講 (invited speaker)
- 2011年11月28日台北市立教育大學應用物理暨化學系演講 (invited speaker) 並獲得該校”科學大師”系列講座講師榮譽
- 2012年2月23日文化大學化學系演講 (invited speaker) 參加奈米學術研討會暨文化大學化學系第一屆學生壁報論文競賽並擔任壁報論文評審
- 2012年3月7日中興大學化學系演講 (invited speaker)
- 2012年9月7日清華大學光化學會議演講並擔任其他場演講之主持人 (invited speaker)
- 2012年12月1日化學年會分析組演講 (invited speaker)
- 2013年1月15、16日主辦亞洲光化學會台灣分會2013年春季學術研討會 (主辦人)
- 2013年5月25、26日第十九屆分析技術研討會演講 (invited speaker)
- 2013年12月2日逢甲大學化學系演講 (invited speaker)
- 2014年 6月5日文化大學化學系畢業展暨學術演討會演講 (invited speaker)
- 2016年12月3日化學年會分析組演講 (invited speaker)
- 2017年5月22日淡江大學化學系演講 (invited speaker)
- 2017年5月27日分析研討會演講 (invited speaker)
- 2018年12月9日化學年會演講 (invited speaker)
- 2018年12月25日成功大學化學系演講 (invited speaker)
- 2020年1月2日輔仁大學化學系演講 (invited speaker)
- 2020年1月3日東華大學化學系演講 (invited speaker)
- 2021年6月26日輔仁大學分析技術交流研討會之分組演講主持人
- 2021年9月1日110學年度新進教師暨創新教學研習」演講及分組討論主持人
研究成果 Research results
- 中華民國發明專利,專利證書號: I521099,專利核准日期: 105/2/11, 一種光學式氧氣及葡萄糖感測器的電化學合成法, 陳柏壽,鄭昆益,何美霖,張珮甄,林君彥
- 中華民國發明專利,專利證書號: I537554,專利核准日期: 105/6/11,一種光學式氧氣及葡萄糖感測器,陳柏壽,鄭昆益,王靖暢,林君彥,林韋任,陳怡諳,蔡馥如,林顧穎,倪丞緯,曾毓婷,何美霖
- 中華民國發明(新型)專利,2017年新型第M552595號,專利核准日期: 106/12/1,一種檢測亞硝酸離子濃度的檢測裝置,何美霖,鍾坤育,朱建帆,鄒宜潔,詹筑婷,潘聖衛
- 中華民國發明(新型)專利,2018年新型第M566327號,專利核准日期: 107/9/1,一種可攜式螢光儀,何美霖,林芃儀(已停止維護)
- 中華民國發明專利,一種化合物及其偵測葡萄糖之用途,專利證書號: I641614,專利核准日期: 107/11/21,何美霖,林君彥,科謝沃伊 伊戈爾,查卡若達瑞 高馬蒂,莊湘聆,林士堯
- 中華民國發明專利,一種與行動裝置結合的可攜式螢光檢測儀,專利證書號: I640762,專利核准日期: 107/11/11,何美霖,林君彥,林韋任,王映筑,鍾坤育
- 美國發明專利,一種與行動裝置結合的可攜式螢光檢測儀,專利核准日期: 108/1/8,US10175140B1,何美霖,林君彥,林韋任,王映筑,鍾坤育
- 中華民國發明(新型)專利,2019年新型第M579726號,專利核准日期: 108/6/21,可攜式氰化物檢測儀,何美霖,張靝麟,林芃儀,楊佳慧
- 中華民國發明專利,2019年發明第I666439號,專利核准日期: 108/7/21,一種檢測白血球酯酶的檢測裝置,何美霖,潘聖衛,劉為方,黄新茹
10. 中華民國發明專利,2020年發明第I707142號,專利核准日期: 109/10/11,一種檢測亞硝酸鹽濃度的檢測裝置,何美霖,鍾坤育,朱建帆,鄒宜潔,詹筑婷,潘聖衛
Refereed paper
- Hsiang-Wei Chiu, Wei-Lin Chiu, Kuan-Han Chen, Jhong-Jheng Luo, Hsiang-Tzu Lee, Yun-Ting Hsiung, Wei-Ting Tseng, Yin-Yu Chou and Mei-Lin Ho*
“Determination of Homocysteine in Human Plasma with a Silver Nanopaste-based Microfluidic Device.” Microchemical Journal, 2024, 199, 110103.
- Sheng-Wei Pan, Donald G Catanzaro,* Marva Seifert, Rehan R Syed, Naomi Hillery, Mei-Lin Ho, Valeriu Cruduh, Elena Tudorh, Nelly Ciobanuh, Alexandru Codreanuh, Antonino Catanzaro, Timothy C Rodwell
“Predicting stringent QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus conversions in contact of tuberculosis patients.” Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection, 2023, 56, 1073. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jmii.2023.07.014) (SCI-5Y-IF: 5.3, rank: 34/161 = 21.1% in IMMUNOLOGY; 2023/7 accepted, Q1).
- Wei-Ting Tseng, Yin-Yu Chou, Jhih-Guang Wu, Yin-Chen Wang, Tz-Ning Tseng, Sheng-Wei Pan,* Shyh-Chyang Luo,* Mei-Lin Ho*
“An Electrochemical Conducting Polymer-based Biosensor for Leukocyte Esterase and Nitrite Detection for Diagnosing Urinary Tract Infections: A Pilot Study.” Microchemical Journal, 2023, 188, 108493. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.5, rank: 17/86 = 19.7% in CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL; 2023/2 accepted, Q1).
- Sheng-Wei Pan, Rehan R. Syed, Donald G. Catanzaro, Mei-Lin Ho, Chin-Chung Shu, Tsung-Yeh Tsai, Yen-Han Tseng, Jia-Yih Feng*, Yuh-Min Chen, Wei-Juin Su, Antonino Catanzaro, and Timothy C. Rodwell
“Circulating mitochondrial cell free DNA dynamics in patients with mycobacterial pulmonary infections: Potential for a novel biomarker of disease.” Frontiers in Immunology, 2022, 13, 1040947. (SCI-5Y-IF: 8.0, rank: 35/161 = 21.7% in IMMUNOLOGY; 2022/11 accepted, Q1).
- Sheng-Wei Pan, Hsiao-Chi Lu, Jen-Iu Lo, Li-Ing Ho, Ton-Rong Tseng, Mei-Lin Ho* and Bing-Ming Cheng*
“Using ATR-FTIR technique to detect pathogens in patients with urinary tract infections: a pilot study.” Sensors, 2022, 22, 3638. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.05, rank: 19/64 in INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION; 2022/5 accepted, Q2).
- Hsia-An Lee, Peng-Yi Lin, Anastasia I. Solomatina, Igor O. Koshevoy, Sergey P. Tunik,* Hui-Wen Lin,* Sheng-Wei Pan,* and Mei-Lin Ho*
“Glucose Sensing in Human Whole Blood based on Near-Infrared Phosphors and Outlier Treatment with the programming language “R”.” ACS Omega, 2022, 7, 198. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.197, rank: 73/179 in CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; 2022/1 accepted, Q2).
- Sheng-Wei Pan, Wei-Juin Su, Yu-Jiun Chan, Mei-Lin Ho, Jia-Yih Feng*, Chin-Chung Shu*, Jann-Yuan Wang, Hao-Chien Wang, Chong-Jen Yu, and Yuh-Min Chen
“Disease progression in patients with nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease of nodular-bronchiectatic (NB) pattern: the role of cavitary NB and soluble programmed death protein-1.” Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2021, 75, 239. (SCI-5Y-IF: 15.446, rank: 7/161 in IMMUNOLOGY; 2022/8 accepted, Q1).
- Wei-Ting Tseng, Hsin-Yi Tseng, Yin-Yu Chou, Yin-Chen Wang, Tz-Ning Tseng, Li-Ing Ho, Sheng-Wei Pan*, and Mei-Lin Ho*
“Quantitative Urinary Tract Infection Diagnosis of Leukocyte Esterase with a Microfluidic Paper-Based Device.” Dalton Transactions, 2021, 50, 9417 (Hot article). (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.185, rank: 7/46 in CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC & NUCLEAR; 2021/7 accepted, Q1).
- Yu-Hsuan Cheng, Andrey Belyaev, Mei-Lin Ho*, Igor O. Koshevoy* and Pi-Tai Chou*
“The Distinct O2 Quenching Mechanism between Fluorescence and Phosphorescence for Dyes Adsorbed on the Silica Gel.” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 27144. (SCI-5Y-IF: 3.861, rank: 9/36 in PHYSICS, ATOMIC, MOLECULAR & CHEMICAL; 2020/12 accepted, Q1).
- Hung-Cheng Hsu, Pei-Wen Liao, Hsiang-Tzu Lee, Wei-Chen Liu and Mei-Lin Ho*
“Silver nanoplates for colorimetric determination of Xanthine in human Plasma and in Fish meat via etching/aggregation/fusing steps.” Sensors, 2020, 20, 5739. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.05, rank: 19/64 in INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION; 2020/10 accepted, Q2).
- Mei-Lin Ho,* Ting-Yu Lai, Jo-Tzu Sung and Yin-Yu Chou
“Hands-On Experiments for the Application of a Flexible-Conductive Nanomaterial Utilizing Silver-Nanopaste-Incorporated Tracks.” Journal of Chemical Education, 2020, 97, 3766. (SCI-5Y-IF: 2.988, rank: 16/44 in EDUCATION, SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINES; 2020/10 accepted, Q2).
- Mei-Lin Ho*, Wei-Fang Liu, Hsin-Yi Tseng, Yu-Tzu Yeh, Wei-Ting Tseng, Yin-Yu Chou, Xin-Ru Huang, Hung-Cheng Hsu, Li-Ing Ho and Sheng-Wei Pan*
“Quantitative Determination of Leukocyte Esterase in Clinical Samples with a Paper Device for Urinary Tract Infections Diagnosis.”RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 27042. (SCI-5Y-IF: 3.748, rank: 75/179 in CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; 2020/7 accepted, Q2).
- Rong-Yu He, Hsin-Yi Tseng, Hsia-An Lee, Yu-Ci Liu, Igor O. Koshevoy, Sheng- Wei Pan* and Mei-Lin Ho *
“Paper-based microfluidic devices based on 3D network polymer hydrogel for the determination of glucose in human whole blood.” RSC Advances (Hot article), 2019, 9, 32367. (SCI-5Y-IF: 3.748, rank: 75/179 in CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; 2019/10 accepted, Q2).
- Chih-Chieh Wang*, Szu-Yu Ke, Yun Fen,gMei-Lin Ho*,, Chung-Kai Chang, Yu- Chun Chuang and Gene-Hsiang Lee
“Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Ligand-Enhanced Photo-Induced Color-Changing Behavior of Two Hydrogen-Bonded Ho(III)-Squarate Supramolecular Compounds.” Polymers, 2019, 11, 1369. (SCI-5Y-IF: 5.063, rank: 16/90 in POLYMER SCIENCE; 2019/8 accepted, Q1)
- Deng-Gao Chen, Revathi Ranganathan, Jia-An Lin, Chun-Ying Huang, Mei-Lin Ho*, Yun Chi*, and Pi-Tai Chou,*
“Ratiometric Tuning of Luminescence: Interplay between the Locally Excited and Inter-ligand Charge-transfer States in Pyrazolate-Based Boron Complexes.” Journal Of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 7, 4022. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.48, rank: 143/345 in MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; 2019/2 accepted, Q2).
- Yu-Ci Liu, Chia-Hui Hsu, Bing-Jyun Lu, Peng-Yi Lin and Mei-Lin Ho*
“Determination of Nitrite Ion with a Paper-Based Microfluidic Device.” Dalton Transactions, 2018, 47, 14799. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.185, rank: 7/46 in CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC & NUCLEAR; 2018/11 accepted, Q1).
- Chih-Chieh Wang *, Szu-Yu Ke, Kuan-Ting chen, Ning-Kuei Sun, Wei-Fung Liu, Mei-Lin Ho*, Bing-Jyun Lu, Yi-Ting Hsieh, Yu-Chun Chuang, Gene-Hsiang Lee, Shi-Yi Huang, En-Che Yang*
“Sponge-like Water de-/ad-sorption versus Solid-state Structural Transformation and Colour-Changing behavior of An Entangled 3D Composite Supramolecuar Architecture, [Ni4(dpe)4(btc)2(Hbtc)(H2O)9]×3H2O” Polymers, 2018, 10, 1014. (SCI-5Y-IF: 5.063, rank: 16/90 in POLYMER SCIENCE; 2018/9 accepted, Q1)
- Jong-Jheng Luo, Sheng-Wei Pan,* Jia-Hui Yang, Tian-Lin Chang, Peng-Yi Lin, Chen-Liang Wu, Wei-Fang Liu, Xin-Ru Huang, Igor O. Koshevoy, Pi-Tai Chou and Mei-Lin Ho*
“Detecting Glucose Levels in Blood Plasma and Artificial Tear by Au(I) Complex on the Carbopol Polymer: A Microfluidic Paper-Based Method.” Polymers, 2018,
10, 1001. (SCI-5Y-IF: 5.063, rank: 16/90 in POLYMER SCIENCE; 2018/9 accepted, Q1)
- Zheng-Bang Pan, Ying-Chu Wang, Gomathy Chakkaradhari, Jian Fan Zhu, Rong Yu He, Yu-Ci Liu, Chia-Hui Hsu, Igor O. Koshevoy,* Pi-Tai Chou,* Sheng-Wei Pan, and Mei-Lin Ho*
“A Silver Metal Complex as a Luminescent Probe for Enzymatic Sensing of Blood Plasma Glucose and Urine.” Dalton Transactions, 2018, 47, 8346. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.185, rank: 7/46 in CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC & NUCLEAR; 2018/7 accepted, Q1).
- Pei-Jia Lu, Wei-En Fu, Shou-Chieh Huang, Chin-Yuan Lin, Mei-Lin Ho, Yu-Pen Chen, and Hwei-Fang Cheng*
“Methodology for Sample Preparation and Size Measurement of Commercial ZnO Nanoparticles.” Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2018, 26, 628. (SCI-5Y-IF: 6.576, rank: 45/279 in PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY; 2018/4 accepted, Q1)
- Chih-Chieh Wang,* Szu-Yu Ke, Chia-Wen Cheng, Yu-Wen Wang, Hsiao-Shan Chiu, Yu-Chien Ko, Ning-Kuei Sun, Mei-Lin Ho,* Chung-Kai Chang, Yu-Chun Chuang, and Gene-Hsiang Lee
“Four Mixed-Ligand Zn(II) Three-Dimensional Metal-Organic Frameworks: Synthesis, Structural Diversity, and Photoluminescent Property.” Polymers, 2017, 9, 644. (SCI-5Y-IF: 5.063, rank: 16/90 in POLYMER SCIENCE; 2017/12 accepted, Q1)
- Yu-Chien Ko, Tien-Li Lin, Chiu-Ting Yeh, Ning-Kuei Sun, Jing-Jong Shyue, Guang-Yang Liu, Shang-Wei Chou, Yu-Ci Liu, Chia-Hui Hsu and Mei-Lin Ho*
“Silver nanoprism-based paper as ratiometric sensor for extending biothiol detection in serum.”New Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 41, 15120. (SCI-5Y-IF: 3.629, rank: 80/179 in CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; 2017/12 accepted, Q2)
- Pin-Hsuan Huang, Chia Ping Hong, Jian Fan Zhu, Tzu-Ting Chen, Chu-Ting Chan, Yu-Chien Ko, Tien-Li Lin, Zheng-Bang Pan, Ning-Kuei Sun, Ying-Chu Wang, Jong-Jheng Luo, Tzu-Chieh Lin, Chia-Cheng Kang,* Jing-Jong Shyue* and Mei-Lin Ho*
“Ag@Au nanoprisms-metal organic frameworks-based paper for extending glucose sensing range in human serum and urine” Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 6985. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.185, rank: 7/46 in CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC & NUCLEAR).
- Gomathy Chakkaradhari, Yi-Ting Chen, Antti J. Karttunen, Minh Thuy Dau, Janne Jänis, Sergey P. Tunik, Pi-Tai Chou,* Mei-Lin Ho* and Igor O. Koshevoy*
“Luminescent triphosphine-cyanide d10 metal complexes.” Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55, 2174. (SCI-5Y-IF: 5.05, rank: 5/46 in CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC & NUCLEAR)
- Yi-An Chen,Fu-Ju Tsai, Yu-Ting Zeng, Jing-Chang Wang, Hsiang-Ling Chuang, Shih-Yao Lin, Chia Ping Hong, Pin-Hsuan Huang, Gene-Hsiang Lee,* and Mei-Lin Ho*
“Fast and Effective Turn-on Paper-based Phosphorescence Biosensor for Detection of Glucose in Serum” Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2016, 63, 424. (SCI-5Y-IF: 1.63, rank: 135/179 in CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY)
- Chang-Hung Lee,* Jian Fan Zhu, Cheng-Wei Ni, Chia Ping Hong, Pin-Hsuan Huang, Hsiang-Ling Chuang, Shih-Yao Lin, and Mei-Lin Ho*
“Using a Table Tennis Game, “Elemental Knock-Out”, To Increase Students’ Familiarity with Chemical Elements, Symbols, and Atomic Numbers.” Journal of Chemical Education, 2016, 93, 1744. (SCI-5Y-IF: 2.988, rank: 16/44 in EDUCATION, SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINES).
- Yi-Ting Chen, Chun-Yen Lin, Gene-Hsiang Lee, and Mei-Lin Ho*
“Four New Lead(II)-Iridium(III) Heterobimetallic Coordination Frameworks: Synthesis, Structures, Luminescence and Oxygen-sensing Properties” CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 2129. (SCI-5Y-IF: 3.434, rank: 6/26 in CRYSTALLOGRAPHY)
- Chih-Chieh Wang,* Gia-Bin Sheu, Szu-Yu Ke, Chi-Yang Shin, Yi-Ting Chen, Chia-Hsing Cho, Mei-Lin Ho,* Wen-Tin Chen, Ru-Hsio Liao, Gene-Hsiang Lee, and Hwo-Shuenn Sheu*
“A 3D Porous Supramolecular Architecture via p-p Assembly of Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs): Structure-versus-Luminescence Reversibility and Gas Adsorption Property” CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 1264. (SCI-5Y-IF: 3.434, rank: 6/26 in CRYSTALLOGRAPHY)
- I-Chih Shih, Yu-Shan Yeh, I-Che Wu, You-Hua Chen, Jiun-Yi Shen, Yi-An Chen, Mei-Lin Ho*, Pi-Tai Chou*
“A New Series of Fluorescent Indicator for Super Acids” Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2015, 91, 654. (SCI-5Y-IF: 3.511, rank: 34/72 in BIOPHYSICS)
- Cheng-Wei Ni, Gu-Ying Lin, Ting-Yi Wang, and Mei-Lin Ho*
“Using Luminescence To Show Intramolecular and Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding in Biomolecules: An Activity for High School or General Chemistry.” Journal of Chemical Education, 2015, 92, 322. (SCI-5Y-IF: 2.988, rank: 16/44 in EDUCATION, SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINES).
- Szu-Yu Ke, Ya-Fan Chang, Hsin-Yu Wang, Ching-Chun Yang, Cheng-Wei Ni, Gu-Ying Lin, Tzu-Ting Chen, Mei-Lin Ho,* Gene-Hsiang Lee, Yu-Chun Chuang* and Chih-Chieh Wang*
“Self-Assembly of Four Coordination Polymers in Three-Dimensional Entangled Architecture Showing Reversible Dynamic Solid-State Structural Transformation and Color-Changing Behavior upon Thermal Dehydration and Rehydration” Crystal Growth & Design, 2014, 14, 4011. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.101, rank: 5/26 in CRYSTALLOGRAPHY)
- Kum-Yi Cheng,Jing-Chang Wang, Chun-Yen Lin, Wei-Ren Lin, Yi-An Chen,Fu-Ju Tsai,Yu-Chun Chuang, Gu-Ying Lin, Cheng-Wei Ni, Yu-Ting Zheng, and Mei-Lin Ho*
“Electrochemical synthesis, characterization of Ir-Zn containing coordination polymer, and application in oxygen and glucose sensing.” Dalton Transactions, 2014, 43, 6536. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.185, rank: 7/46 in CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC & NUCLEAR).
- Mei-Lin Ho,* Jing-Chang Wang, Ting-Yi Wang, Chun-Yen Lin, Jian Fan Zhu, Yi-An Chen, Tsai-Chen Chen
“The Construction of Glucose Biosensor Based on crystalline Iridium(III)-containing coordination polymers with fiber-optic detection” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2014, 190, 479. (SCI-5Y-IF: 7.676, rank: 2/64 in INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION)
- Mei-Lin Ho,* Bo-Jen Chi, Tzu-Yi Hung, Hua-Yang Liao, Jing-Chang Wang, Ting-Yi Wang, and Jing-Jong Shyue
“Enhanced Photochromism of chromen-based colorants near Silver Nanorods in Sol-Gel matrix” CrystEngComm, 2013, 15(30), 5969. (invited as a cover figure). (SCI-5Y-IF: 3.434, rank: 6/26 in CRYSTALLOGRAPHY)
- Mei-Lin Ho,* Yi-Ping Yu, Min-Hsiu Lin and Yi-Ting Chen
“Solid State Photochromism of Pyrano[3,2-c]chromen-5-one Moiety with the Assistance of Localized Surface Plasmon” CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 4049. (SCI-5Y-IF: 3.434, rank: 6/26 in CRYSTALLOGRAPHY)
- 42. Chuan-Yien Liu, Hsin-Ta Wang,* Wen-Chun Chung, Yi-Ting Cheng, Yi-Ting Chen, Mei-Lin Ho, Chih-Chieh Wang,* Gene-Hsiang Lee and Hwo-Shuenn Sheu
“Assembly of Three 2D Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) Derived from Flexible Ligands, 1,4-bis(3-pyridyl)-2,3-diaza-1,3-butadiene (3-bpd) and/or 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane (dpe)” Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2012, 59, 1070. (SCI-5Y-IF: 1.63, rank: 135/179 in CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY)
- Mei-Lin Ho,* Yi-An Chen, Tsai-Chen Chen, Pei-Jen Chang, Yi-Ping Yu, Kum-Yi Cheng, Chien-Hung Shih, Gene-Hsiang Lee, and Hwo-Shuenn Sheu
“Synthesis, structure and oxygen-sensing property of Iridium(III)-containing coordination polymers with different cations” Dalton Transactions, 2012, 41, 2592. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.185, rank: 7/46 in CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC & NUCLEAR).
- Mei-Lin Ho,* Min-Hsiu Lin, Yi-Ting Chen and Hwo-Shuenn Sheu
“Iridium(III) complexes in discs for two-photon excitation applications” Chemical Physics Letters, 2011, 509, 162. (SCI-5Y-IF: 2.255, rank: 19/36 in PHYSICS, ATOMIC, MOLECULAR & CHEMICAL)
- Mei-Lin Ho,* Chien-Hung Shih, Chia-Hwa Lee and Gene-Hsiang Lee*
“Synthesis, Structures and Photoluminescence Properties of Silver(I) Complexes with N,N’-di(pyrazin-2-yl)pyridine-2,6-diamine” CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 992. (SCI-5Y-IF: 3.434, rank: 6/26 in CRYSTALLOGRAPHY)
- Chih-Chieh Wang,* Ching-Chun Yang, Chang-Tsung Yeh, Geng-Ming Lin, Kum-Yi Cheng, Pei-Jen Chang, Mei-Lin Ho,* Gene-Hsiang Lee, Wei-Ju Shih and Hwo-Shuenn Sheu*
“Reversible Solid-State Structural Transformation of a 1D-2D Coordination Polymer by Thermal De-/re-hydration Processes” Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 50(2), 597. (SCI-5Y-IF: 5.05, rank: 5/46 in CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC & NUCLEAR)
- Chih-Chieh Wang,* Ching-Chun Yang, Wen-Chun Chung, Gene-Hsiang Lee, Mei-Lin Ho, Ya-Chien Yu, Min-Wen Chung, Hwo-Shuenn Sheu, Chien-Hung Shih, Kum-Yi Cheng, Pei-Jen Chang and Pi-Tai Chou*
“A New Coordination Polymer Exhibiting Unique 2D (H2O)16 Hydrogen Bonded Formation and Drastic Water Dependent Luminescence Properties” Chemistry – A European Journal, 2011, 17, 9232. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.822, rank: 64/179 in CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY)
- Dong-Yi Chen, Kum-Yi Cheng, Mei-Lin Ho,* I-Che Wu, Min-Wen Chung, Hungshin Fu and Pi-Tai Chou*
“A New Recognition Concept Using Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Configuration” Chemical communications, 2011, 47, 985. (SCI-5Y-IF: 5.976, rank: 53/179 in CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY)
- Chun-Hsiung Wang, Chih-Ming Wei, Sheng-Chih Huang, Yang-Fang Chen,* Chih-Wei Lai, Mei-Lin Ho and Pi-Tai Chou
“Recombination dynamics of the enhanced quantum efficiency in CdSe/ZnTe/ZnS type-II quantum dots” Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2010, 57, 534. (SCI-5Y-IF: 1.63, rank: 135/179 in CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY)
- Yi-Hsiu Tseng, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Shih-Ming Lin, P. Thanasekaran, Jing-Yun Wu, Li-Wei Lee, M. Sathiyendiran, Mei-Lin Ho, Min-Wen Chung, Kung-Chung Hsu, Pi-Tai Chou* and Kuang-Lieh Lu*
“Highly Emissive Cyclometalated Rhenium Metallacycles: Structure−Luminescence Relationship” Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 6805. (SCI-5Y-IF: 5.05, rank: 5/46 in CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC & NUCLEAR)
- Yu-Ching Huang, Wei-Che Yen, Yu-Chia Liao, Ya-Chien Yu, Cheng-Chih Hsu, Mei-Lin Ho, Pi-Tai Chou and Wei-Fang Su
“Band gap aligned conducting interface modifier enhances the performance of thermal stable polymer-TiO2 nanorod solar cell” Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 96, 123501. (SCI-5Y-IF: 3.816, rank: 50/161 in PHYSICS, APPLIED)
- C. H. Wang, C. W. Chen, Y. T. Chen,* C. M. Wei, Y. F. Chen, C. W. Lai, M. L. Ho, P. T. Chou and M. Hofmann
“Surface Plasmon Enhanced Energy Transfer Between Type I CdSe/ZnS and Type II CdSe/ZnTe Quantum Dots”Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 96, 071906. (SCI-5Y-IF: 3.816, rank: 50/161 in PHYSICS, APPLIED)
- Chun-Wei Lin, Pi-Tai Chou,* Yong-Hong Liao, Ying-Chih Lin,* Ching-Ting Chen, Yu-Chun Chen, Chin-Hung Lai, Bo-So Chen, Yi-Hung Liu, Chih-Chieh Wang and Mei-Lin Ho*
“Photoisomerization of a Maleonitrile-Type Salen Schiff Base and Its Application in Fine-Tuning Infinite Coordination Polymer” Chemistry – A European Journal, 2010, 16, 3770. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.822, rank: 64/179 in CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY)
- Chien-Liang Liu, Mei-Lin Ho,* Yu-Chun Chen, Cheng-Chih Hsieh, Yi-Chih Lin, Yu-Hsiu Wang, Meng-Ju Yang, Hsin-Sheng Duan, Bo-So Chen, Jyh-Fu Lee, Jong-Kai Hsiao and Pi-Tai Chou*
“Thiol-Functionalized Gold Nanodots; Two photon Absorption Property and Imaging In Vitro” Journal of physical chemistry C, 2009, 113, 21082. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.48, rank: 143/345 in MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY).
- Mei-Lin Ho,* Kew-Yu Chen, Gene-Hsiang Lee, Yu-Chun Chen, Chih-Chieh Wang, Jyh-Fu Lee, Wen-Chun Chung and Pi-Tai Chou*
“Mercury(II) Recognition and Fluorescence Imaging in vitro through a 3D-Complexation Structure” Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 10304. (SCI-5Y-IF: 5.05, rank: 5/46 in CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC & NUCLEAR)
- Chun-Hsiung Wang, Chih-Wei Chen, Chih-Ming Wei, Yang-Fang Chen,*, Chih-Wei Lai, Mei-Lin Ho, and Pi-Tai Chou
“Resonant Energy Transfer between CdSe/ZnS Type I and CdSe/ZnTe Type II Quantum Dots” Journal of physical chemistry C, 2009, 113, 15548. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.48, rank: 143/345 in MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY).
- Wei-Fan Lee, Chung-Yang Lee, Mei-Lin Ho, Chi-Te Huang, Chen-Ho Lai, Ho-Yen Hsieh, Pi-Tai Chou and Lih-Juann Chen
“Nd-doped silicon nanowires with room temperature ferromagnetism and infrared photoemission” Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 94, 263117. (SCI-5Y-IF: 3.816, rank: 50/161 in PHYSICS, APPLIED)
- Cheng-Hsuan Lai, I-Che Wu, Chia-Cheng Kang, Jyh-Fu Lee, Mei-Lin Ho and Pi-Tai Chou*
“Homogeneous, surfactant-free gold nanoparticles encapsulated by polythiophene analogues” Chemical communications, 2009, 1996. (SCI-5Y-IF: 5.976, rank: 53/179 in CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY)
- Mei-Lin Ho, Jia-Ming Hsieh, Chih-Wei Lai, Hsin-Chieh Peng, Chia-Cheng Kang, I-Che Wu, Chin-Hung Lai, Yu-Chun Chen and Pi-Tai Chou*
“15-Crown-5 Functionalized Au Nanoparticles Synthesized via Single Molecule Exchange on Silica Nanoparticles: Its Application to Probe 15-Crown-5/K+/15-Crown-5 “Sandwiches” as Linking Mechanisms” Journal of physical chemistry C, 2009, 113(5), 1686. (SCI-5Y-IF: 4.48, rank: 143/345 in MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY).
- Marappan Velusamy, Jiun-Yi Shen, Jiann T. Lin*, Cheng-Chih Hsieh, Chin-Hung Lai, Chih-Wei Lai, Mei-Lin Ho, Yu-Chun Chen, Pi-Tai Chou* and Jong-Kai Hsiao
“A New Series of Quadrupolar Type Two-Photon Absorption Chromophores Bearing 11,12-Dibutoxydibenzo[a,c]-phenazine Bridged Amines; Their Applications in Two-Photon Fluorescence Imaging and Two-Photon Photodynamic Therapy” Advanced Functional Materials, 2009, 19, 2388. (SCI-5Y-IF: 19.978, rank: 10/163 in CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL).
23. “Enhancement of energy transfer efficiency between type I CdSe/ZnS and type II CdSe/ZnTe quantum dots assisted by surface plasmon”. C. H. Wang, C. W. Chen, Y. T. Chen, C. M. Wei, Y. F. Chen, C. W. Lai, M. L. Ho, and P. T. Chou and Lih-Juann Chen, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2010, 96, 071906.
22. “Nd-doped silicon nanowires with room temperature ferromagnetism and infrared photoemission” Wei-Fan Lee, Chung-Yang Lee, Mei-Lin Ho, Chi-Te Huang, Chen-Ho Lai, Ho-Yen Hsieh, Pi-Tai Chou, and Lih-Juann Chen, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2009, 94, 263117.
21. “Homogeneous, surfactant-free gold nanoparticles encapsulated by polythiophene analogues” Cheng-Hsuan Lai, I-Che Wu, Chia-Cheng Kang, Jyh-Fu Lee, Mei-Lin Ho and Pi-Tai Chou*, Chem. Commun. 2009, 1996.
20. “15-Crown-5 Functionalized Au Nanoparticles Synthesized via Single Molecule Exchange on Silica Nanoparticles: Its Application to Probe 15-Crown-5/K+/15-Crown-5 “Sandwiches” as Linking Mechanisms” Mei-Lin Ho, Jia-Ming Hsieh, Chih-Wei Lai, Hsin-Chieh Peng, Chia-Cheng Kang, I-Che Wu, Chin-Hung Lai, Yu-Chun Chen and Pi-Tai Chou*, J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113(5), 1686.
19. “A New Series of Quadrupolar Type Two-Photon Absorption Chromophores Bearing 11,12-Dibutoxydibenzo[a,c]-phenazine Bridged Amines; Their Applications in Two-Photon Fluorescence Imaging and Two-Photon Photodynamic Therapy” Marappan Velusamy, Jiun-Yi Shen, Jiann T. Lin*, Cheng-Chih Hsieh, Chin-Hung Lai, Chih-Wei Lai, Mei-Lin Ho, Yu-Chun Chen, Pi-Tai Chou* and Jong-Kai Hsiao, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009, 19, 1.
28. “The Remarkable Influence of M2δ to Thienyl π Conjugation in Oligothiophenes Incorporating MM Quadruply Bonds” Gotard Burdzinski, Malcolm Chisholm, Pi-Tai Chou, Yi-Hsuan Chou, Florian Feil, Judith Gallucci, Yagnaseni Ghosh, Terry Gustafson, Mei-Lin Ho, Yao Liu, Ramkrishna Ramnauth, Claudia Turro, PNAS 2008, 105, 15247.
17. “Preparations, Electrochemical and Photophysical Properties of Fused and Non-Fused Thienyl Bridged MM (M = Mo or W) Quadruply Bonded Complexes” Malcolm H. Chisholm,* Pi-Tai Chou,* Yi-Hsuan Chou, Yagnaseni Ghosh, Terry L. Gustafson and Mei-Lin Ho, Inorg. Chem. 2008, 47, 3415.
16. “Recombination dynamics in CdTe/CdSe type-II quantum dots” Chun-Hsiung Wang, Tzung-Te Chen and Yang-Fang Chen,* Mei-Lin Ho, Chih-Wei Lai and Pi-Tai Chou*, Nanotechnology, 2008, 19, 115702.
15. “Excited-State Double Proton Transfer: The Concerted (Homodimer) versus Stepwise (Heterodimer) Reaction on the 7-Azaindole Analogues” Wan-Ting Hsieh, Cheng-Chih Hsieh, Chin-Hung Lai, Yi-Ming Cheng, Mei-Lin Ho, Kung K. Wang, and Pi-Tai Chou*, ChemPhysChem, 2008, 2, 293.
14. “New Supramolecular Isomers with 2D 44 Square-Grid and 3D 65×8 CdSO4 Frameworks in One-Pot Synthesis; Reversible Solvent Uptake and Intriguing Luminescence Properties” Chih-Chieh Wang,* Wei-Zeng Lin, Wei-Ting Huang, Mei-Ju Ko, Gene-Hsiang Lee, Mei-Lin Ho, Chun-Wei Lin, Chun-Wei Shih and Pi-Tai Chou*, Chem. Commun. 2008, 1299.
13. “Diaza-18-crown-6 Appended Dual 7-Hydroxyquinolines; Selective Mercury Ion Recognition in Aqueous Solution” Mei-Lin Ho, Kew-Yu Chen, Lai-Chin Wu, Jiun-Yi Shen, Gene-Hsiang Lee, Mei-Ju Ko, Chih-Chieh Wang, Jyh-Fu Lee, and Pi-Tai Chou*, Chem. Commun. 2008, 2438.
12. “Substituent Effects on Dynamics at Conical Intersections:α,β -Enones.” A. M. D. Lee, J. D. Coe, S. Ullrich, M.-L. Ho, S.-J. Lee, B.-M. Cheng, M. Z. Zgierski, I.-C. Chen, T. J. Martinez and A. Stolow*, J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111(47), 11948.
11. “Probing Pb2+ Cation via the Iridium Phosphorescence Dye” Mei-Lin Ho, Yi-Ming Cheng, Lai-Chin Wu, Pi-Tai Chou,* Fang-Chi Hsu, Yun Chi,* and Gene-Hsiang Lee, Polyhedron 2007, 26, 4886.
10. “Color Tuning Associated with the Heteroleptic Cyclometalated Ir(III) Complexes: Influence of the Ancillary Ligand” Chau-Jiun Chang, Cheng-Han Yang, Kellen Chen, Yun Chi,* Ching-Fong Shu,* Mei-Lin Ho, Yu-Shan Yeh, Pi-Tai Chou,* Gene-Hsiang Lee, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 2007, 1881.
9. “Osmium Complexes with Tridentate 6-Pyrazol-3-yl 2,2′-Bipyridine Ligands: Coarse Tuning of Phosphorescence from the Red to the Near-Infrared Region.” Chen Kellen; Cheng Yi-Ming; Chi Yun,* Ho Mei-Lin; Lai Chin-Hung; Chou Pi-Tai,* Peng Shie-Ming, Lee Gene-Hsiang, Chem Asian J. 2007, 2(1), 155.
8. “ortho-GFP Synthetic Chromophore; Excited State Intramolecular Proton Transfer via a Seven-membered Ring Hydrogen Bonding System” Kew-Yu Chen, Yi-Ming Cheng, Cheng- Hsuan Lai, Cheng-Chih Hsu, Mei-Lin Ho, Gene-Hsiang Lee, Pi-Tai Chou*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129(15), 4534.
7. “En Route to the Formation of High Efficiency, Osmium (II) Based Phosphorescent Materials” Fang-Chi Hsu, Yung-Liang Tung, Yun Chi* Cheng-Chih Hsu, Yi-Ming Cheng, Mei-Lin Ho, Pi-Tai Chou,* Shie-Ming Peng, Inorg. Chem. 2006, 45(25); 10188.
6. “Iridium-Complex Modified CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots; A Conceptual Design for Bifunctionality Toward Imaging and Photosensitization” Jia-Ming Hsieh, Mei-Lin Ho, Pei-Wen Wu, Pi-Tai Chou,* Tsai-Tsai Tsung, Yun Chi, Chem. Commun. 2006, 615.
5. “Design and Synthesis of Ir(III)-Azacrown Complex: Application as a Highly Sensitive Metal Cation Phosphorescence Sensor” Mei-Lin Ho, Fu-Ming Hwang, Pei-Nung Chen, Ya-Hui Hu, Yi-Ming Cheng, Kung-Shih Chen, Gene-Hsiang Lee, Yun Chi,* and Pi-Tai Chou*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2006, 4, 98.
4. “Dual Room-Temperature Fluorescent and Phosphorescent Emission in 8-Quinolinolate Osmium (II) Carbonyl Complexes; Rationalization and Generalization of Intersystem Crossing Dynamics” Yi-Ming Cheng, Yu-Shan Yeh, Mei-Lin Ho, Pi-Tai Chou*, Po-Shen Chen and Yun Chi*, Inorg. Chem. 2005, 44(13); 4594.
3. “Photochemical reactions of simple enones: formation of product formyl radical and isomerization.” S. J. Lee, M.-L. Ho and I.-C. Chen*, 化學 2004, 62(3), 327.
2. “Internal state distributions of fragment HCO via S0 and T1 pathways of glyoxal after photolysis in the ultraviolet region.” C. C. Kao, M.-L. Ho, M.-W. Chen, S.-J. Lee and I.-C. Chen*, J. Chem. Phys. 2004, 120(11), 5087.
1. “Non-adiabatic intramolecular and photodissociation dynamics studied by femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron and coincidence imaging spectroscopy” O. Geßner, E. t.-H. Chrysostom, A. M. D. Lee, D. M. Wardlaw, M.-L. Ho, S.-J. Lee, B.-M. Cheng, M. Z. Zgierski, I.-C. Chen,* J. P. Shaffer,* C. C. Hayden* and A. Stolow*, Faraday Discuss. 2004, 127, 193.
- “Organic dyes with excited-state transformations (electron, charge and proton transfers)” Chapter 1-3, Cheng-Chih Hsieh, Mei-Lin Ho and Pi-Tai Chou, 2009, Wiley InterScience.
Professional Certification
- 放射性物質或可發生游離輻射操作人員輻射防護訓練講習結業證書
- 空氣品質維護管理專責人員證照, 2014/9/30,行政院環保署,環署訓證字第IA051748號
實驗室介紹 Laboratory introduction
恭喜 江珮瑄 同學 及 許聖安 同學在 2024 理工學院淨零永續提案競賽中榮獲第一名 !
恭喜 梁之柔 同學、呂奕樺 同學、許景澤 同學 及 葉修安 同學在 2024 理工學院淨零永續提案競賽中榮獲第三名 !

恭喜 葉修安 同學在 2024 7th ACS Taiwan Chapter Graduate Student Conference 榮獲優選 !

恭喜 呂庭為 同學 和 梁之柔 同學 獲得 2024 國科會大專生研究計畫入圍獎 !

恭喜 邱祥瑋 同學在 2024 化學年會獲得壁報優秀獎 !

Journal publication
恭喜 邱祥瑋 同學、葉修安 同學及 邱偉霖 同學論文已發表於 Microchemical Journal !
Hsiang-Wei Chiu, Wei-Lin Chiu, Kuan-Han Chen, Jhong-Jheng Luo, Hsiang-Tzu Lee, Yun-Ting Hsiung, Wei-Ting Tseng, Yin-Yu Chou and Mei-Lin Ho*
“Determination of Homocysteine in Human Plasma with a Silver Nanopaste-based Microfluidic Device.” Microchemical Journal, 2024, 199, 110103.

The lab is focus on spectroscopic or electrochemical methods in combination with the nanomaterial synthesis, for sensing and its application in health care area.
如何到達我們實驗室 How to get to our laboratory
入境大廳都有租車、叫車櫃台可以根據自己要抵達的地方進行報價 ( 台北市 $1380)
At Taoyuan Airport Terminal 1, on the north side of the baggage claim area at the first-floor arrivals zone, and at Terminal 2, in the north side of the first-floor arrivals hall, there are Taiwan Bank counters for currency exchange and foreign currency withdrawal services.
Similarly, both locations also have Taiwan Mobile counters where you can apply for SIM cards.
In the arrivals hall, there are car rental and taxi counters where you can get quotes based on your destination (e.g., Taipei City at $1380).
If you need to reach Fu Jen Catholic University, you can also use the airport MRT. Take the MRT to Sanchong Station and transfer to the Orange Line to reach Fuda Station.
After entering the main gate of Fu Jen Catholic University, you can reach the laboratory by taking the:
1. Blue route: Pass through the parking lot and tennis court along the footpath.
2. Orange route: Enter through the front door of the Tseng Shen Building (No. 47), and proceed along the corridor passing the Department of Physics (PH) and the Department of Life Sciences (LS) to arrive.
Our laboratory is located on the 3rd floor of the Department of Chemistry (CH), in room CH302.
Graduate students
博士 PhD

葉修安 Xiu-An Ya
Xiu-An Ya earned his bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Fu Jen Catholic University in 2023 and began pursuing a master’s degree in Chemistry at the same university in the same year. In 2024, he was admitted directly to the Ph.D. program. His current research focuses on using electrochemical methods combined with antibodies to develop sensors for disease detection. Additionally, he is conducting research on the synthesis of nanometals and optimizing their conditions.
碩士 MS

林鎂 Mei Lin
Mei Lin is a graduate of the Department of Chemistry at Fu Jen Catholic University and joined the laboratory in 2023. Primary research focuses on utilizing Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectroscopy for the detection of biological diseases, conducting quantitative experiments, and integrating FTIR spectroscopy with machine learning for rapid classification.

許景澤 Ching-Tse Hsu
Ching-Tse Hsu started as an M.S. student in Fu Jen University majoring in Chemistry. He received a B.S. degree in Chemistry from FJU in 2023.
A major goal of Harry’s M.S. research is to utilize electrochemical methods or construct a paper-based microfluidic channels for detection of ESAT-6 in human plasma. Outside of the laboratory, he is keen on badminton.

江珮瑄 Pei-Hsuan Chiang
- 電子信箱
Pei-Hsuan Chiang earned her BS in chemistry at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan in 2023. A major goal of Pei-Hsuan ‘s research is the development of a spectroscopic method for the detection of leukocyte esterase in urine and then to evaluate their performance. Joy studys some materials with emissive properties and applys them to daily life inspections or explores some materials with conductive properties.

許聖安 Sheng-An Hsu
Sheng-An Hsu graduated from the Department of Chemistry at Fu Jen Catholic University in 2024, then began pursuing a master’s degree and joined the current laboratory, focusing on the research direction of using fluorescent probes as biosensors.
Undergraduate student
學士 BS

闕振宇 Chen-Yu Chueh
Chueh Chen-Yu, a chemistry student at Fu Jen Catholic University, joined Professor Ho Mei-Lin’s laboratory in 2023. Currently under the guidance of senior peers and the professor, he is learning the operation of various instruments and focusing on the synthesis and application of nano-copper. In the synthesis process, copper acetate serves as the main precursor, leading to the reduction of copper acetate into nano-copper with enhanced conductivity for subsequent applications.

王家卉 Jia-Huei Wang
Currently studying in the Department of Chemistry at Fu Jen Catholic University. I joined Professor Ho Mei-Lin’s laboratory in 2023 and currently under the guidance of upperclassmen and professors. Her research primarily involves the use of copper acetate, which is reduced to nano-copper. To conduct this research, she employs fluorometers and UV detectors to generate spectra, facilitating discussions on the supernatant. My current goal is to learn the use of various instruments and focus on the current experiment.

陳奕伶 Yi-Ling Chen
Yi-Ling Chen is currently a special research student in the Department of Chemistry at Fu Jen Catholic University.
She is involved in researching the detection of rapid screening reagents, developing new detection methods, and gaining a deeper understanding of the practical applications in the field of chemistry.

呂庭為 Ting-Wei Lu
Ting-Wei Lu is currently a special research student in the Department of Chemistry at Fu Jen Catholic University. He is assisting in experiments related to prenatal screening for pregnant women, optimizing existing detection methods, and focusing on exploring new methods to enhance efficiency.

梁之柔 Zhi-Rou Liang
Zhi-Rou Liang is currently a third-year student in the Department of Chemistry at Fu Jen Catholic University, focusing on the electrochemistry of nanomaterials for antigen detection. Her goals include delving into current research, improving her problem-solving abilities, enhancing experimental skills, and learning to use various instruments.

陳詩函 Shi-Han Chen
Shi-Han Chen is currently studying in the Department of Chemistry at Fu Jen Catholic University, joined Professor Ho Mei-Lin’s laboratory in 2024. She is shadowing upperclassmen and professor using nanosilver paste microfluidic devices to detect disease and learning to use a variety of instruments.

呂奕樺 Yi-Hua Lu
Yi-Hua Lu is currently a junior student in Fu Jen Catholic University. She joined the laboratory in this semester.
Her research on synthesizing nano-mental and applying to biomedicine.
博士 PhD student
碩士 Master’s degree student
學士 Bachelor’s degree student

邱祥瑋 Hsiang-Wei Chiu
- 現正就讀
Hsiang-Wei Chiu is an undergraduate student in the Soochow Unversity majoring in Chemistry. He was awarded the National Science and Technology Council student’s research project. Nowadays, he is exploring synthesis methods of the metal nanoparticles and improve their the microstructure.

邱偉霖 Wei-lin Chiu
- 現正就讀
Wei-lin Chiu is a fourth-year student in the Department of Chemistry at Soochow University , and he is currently assisting in research which related to the use of infrared spectroscopy to detect.